Saturday, November 2, 2013

I'm A Terrible Blogger | NaBloPoMo Day 2

Well, it is day 2 of NaBloPoMo and I've already managed to miss a day. Good job me. In my defense, I wasn't even home yesterday. So writing a blog post wasn't really possible unless I attempted to write it on my phone while at a party with lots of people. Wouldn't be the first time I've done it...

I'm really not sure what I'm going to be blogging about for the rest of the month, so give me some ideas in the comments of things you want me to talk about! I have a few ideas, but nothing much as of yet. Ideas so far are:

  • Top 5 Favorite Lesser Known Series (title pending)
  • Why I Love Audiobooks
  • Favorite Books of 2013
  • Favorite BookTubers
There's a ton of more things I could write about out there, but I'm really not sure what they are. I've also been thinking about starting up a series kind of thing that I do weekly, such as Favorite Fridays or Top 10 Tuesdays or something like that.

So until I can get my stuff together and actually figure out this whole blogging thing, I'd love to hear thoughts from you on what you want to hear from me!

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