So Bout of Books 10.0, which went from May 12th to May 18th, was a crazy week for me. I had a great start and I actually kept up with my goal of a book a day for the first few days. As the week went on, unexpected things came up, and I certainly did not reach that goal. (Or the goal of staying off Tumblr I might add.) However, I did get a pretty good amount read and my days went as follows.

Tuesday, if possible, was even better than Monday - because Rebel by Amy Tintera was released. This is the 2nd and final book in Tintera's Reboot series. I read the first novel, Reboot, last month and absolutely loved it, but I was very cautious about what would happen in the second novel. I was worried about the direction Tintera would take the novel and if it would be cliche or entirely ridiculous or just fall off plot-wise. It did none of these things. It did everything right. I ended up giving this book the my favorite book of 2014 so far award. It was that awesome. The action started on page 1 and didn't end until the book did. I'm a little sad that this series is only a duology, but I'm also very satisfied with the series as a whole. 352 pages. Total Page Count: 659

Thursday I didn't have a whole lot of time to sit down and open a book, but I had a great amount of time to finish up listening to Life, the Universe, and Everything by Douglas Adams on audiobook. I was about halfway through this book already, but I had a good long time to listen throughout the day. I must admit, though, as a serial TV watcher/reader multitasker, I find it really weird to listen to a book. I have already read this book, and the entire series, multiple times, but obviously I love it and enjoyed Martin Freeman reading me this series just as much, if not more. Since this is an audiobook, I can't do exact pages, but my physical edition of this is 200 pages long and I went through half of the audiobook, so I'm just going to tack 100 pages onto my page count. Very official. Total Page Count: 937

For some crazy reason, I don't actually feel like I read a ton over this Bout of Books, but looking back, I only missed 2 days of my goal for finishing a book a day. I even caught up to my 100 books in a year Goodreads challenge which was a kind of unspoken goal for this week. Definitely my favorite and most memorable Bout of Books so far. Definitely looking forward to the next one!